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Annual Report on Norwegian Bilateral Development Cooperation 2006

12 Lebanon 173 422 13 Nicaragua 161 804 14 Somalia 158 638 15 Nepal 158 534 16 Angola 146 713 17 Bangladesh 136 686 18 DR Congo 124 336 19 Bosnia-Herzegovina 118 774 20 Pakistan 117 872 21 India 116 843 ... Mozambique 11 Somalia 13 Sudan 15 South Africa 17 Tanzania 18 Uganda 20 Zambia 22 Asia Afghanistan 25 Bangladesh 27 India 28 Nepal 29 Pakistan 30 Sri Lanka 31 Vietnam 32 East Timor 33 Latin America Guatemala


Food Security in a Climate Perspective - Annual Report 2014

use efficiency, and yields by up to 400% for maize in the Sahel region. 5. Across Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Egypt, Nepal, and Pakistan, high-yielding wheat varieties resistant to Ug99, a highly ... as well as into the National Development Plan of the Government of Bangladesh (2015-2020) for the first time. un woMen – BAnglAdesh 40 FOOD SECURITY IN A CLIMATE PERSPECTIVE / / ANNUAL REPORT


The Making OPDs Equal Partners of Inclusive Development in Africa program

The Making OPDs Equal Partners of Inclusive Development in Africa program 70 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Making OPDs Equal Partners of Inclusive Development in Africa program The Making OPDs Equal Partners of Inclusive ... initiated by DSi in Turkey which expansion and adaptation is currently piloted in Nigeria, Bangladesh and the United Arab Emirates. Inclusion International (II) Inclusion International is the


Oppfølgingsnotat. Evaluering av IOMs innsats mot menneksehandel.pdf

vurdert mandatet til TOM og evaluert planlegging, gjennomforing og resultat av innsatsen i fem land: Bangladesh, Kirgisistan, Makedonia, Nigeria og Noreg. Rapporten vurderer ôg samanhengen mellom evaluering ... menneskehandel. I Makedonia, Kirgisistan, Bangladesh og Nigeria har TOM medverka til utarbeiding av nasjonale strategiar og handlingsplanar mot menneskehandel, medan Bangladesh, Kirgisistan og Nigeria har ftt støtte


Evalueringsprogram 2008–2010

Evalueringsprogram 2008–2010 /no/resultater/publikasjoner/publikasjon?key=109832 10 Evalueringsprogrammet byggjer på instruksen for evaluering frå mai 2006 og evalueringsavdelinga sin eigen ... World Bank Cooperation on Poverty Reduction 5.01 Evaluation of Development Co-operation between Bangladesh and Norway, 1995–2000 6.01 Can democratisation prevent conflicts? Lessons from sub-Saharan


Information and communication technology (ICT) in development co-operation : guidelines

Information and communication technology (ICT) in development co-operation : guidelines /no/resultater/publikasjoner/publikasjon?key=109435 12 This document serves two purposes: 1. To clarify the ... opportunities for the poorest people through micro-enterprises like the Grameen phone project in Bangladesh. 3.3 Basic social services NORAD focuses on improving the quality and availability of services


Resultatrapport 2017

Kapasitetsutvikling ... .............................. 70 13. Rissort som vokser under vann i flomutsatte områder i Bangladesh og India ....................73 14. Kunnskap gir bedre regulering av antibiotikabruk i Malawi ... Guyanas skogkommisjon utviklet et av de beste systemene for skog­ overvåking i tropene. 13. BANGLADESH Gjennom lang tids forskning har forskere avlet frem en rissort som tåler å være under vann