
Ditt søk på bangladesh gav 1292 treff
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Principles for Delegated Co-operation in Norad

Principles for Delegated Co-operation in Norad /no/resultater/publikasjoner/publikasjon?key=109393 12 The following principles form the basis for NORAD's work with delegated co-operation: All activities ... 02 1 Study on Private sector Development: Summaries Discussion 02 2 Study on Private sector in Bangladesh Discussion 02 3 Study on Private sector in Malawi Discussion 02 4 Study on Private sector in


Programdokument for det norske bistandsprogrammet for bekjempelse av moderne slaveri

land enn stifinnerlandene. Den norskstøttede innsatsen til GFEMS, som har prosjekter i India og Bangladesh, er et eksempel på dette. Sektorer med høy risiko for moderne slaveri er byggebransjen, utvinningsindustrien/ ... migrantarbeidere innenfor bygg- og anleggssektoren i India og rekruttering av migrantarbeidere i India og Bangladesh. GFEMS vil i 2020 gjøre en kartlegging av arbeidsforholdene i tekstilindustrien i Etiopia, som


Evaluation Activities of the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Annual Report 2003

while the second gives examples from some of Norway’s most important partner countries, mainly Bangladesh, Tanzania, Zambia, Uganda and Mozambique. The study analyses whether there is a holistic understanding ... The final version of the synthesis report and country reports from, among others, Tanzania, Bangladesh, Nicarague and Vietnam will be published in autumn 2004. • Women’s World Banking is the topic


What do we know about the long-term outcomes of food systems interventions?

Zambia increased income in the long-term. On the other hand, two programs supporting fishponds in Bangladesh had no effect on income. Sustainable certification programs in Uganda and Colombia were found ... countries for long-term evaluations to take place in (n = 11 each, 14%). This is followed by China and Bangladesh (n = 6, 8%, each). No study took place in multiple countries. Although there are some differences


Evaluation of Norwegian Development Cooperation : Annual Report 2004–2005

fellowship programmes on poverty reduction. It refers to the fact that in some countries, such as Bangladesh, the number of people awarded fellowships through the NFP has been so limited that there is little ... (ICPD) held in Cairo in 1994. The evaluation comprises a synthesis report and six country reports (Bangladesh, Burkina Faso, Egypt, Nicaragua, Tanzania and Vietnam). It was financed by Germany, the Netherlands