
Ditt søk på Country evaluation briefs gav 2052 treff
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Strongim Lek Gen – an evaluation of Partners with Melanesians in the Managalas Sustainable Development Project

Lek Gen – an evaluation of Partners with Melanesians in the Managalas Sustainable Development Project /no/resultater/publikasjoner/publikasjon?key=388447 Background: This is an evaluation of the Partners ... The main focus will be core activities supported by RFN in the period 2001 – 2010, since the last evaluation. b. To assist PwM to evaluate the legitimacy, trust, relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, participation


Project for the Holistic Habilitation of Children with Cerebral Palsy - Mid-term evaluation

Project for the Holistic Habilitation of Children with Cerebral Palsy - Mid-term evaluation /no/resultater/publikasjoner/publikasjon?key=387847 Background: The Holistic Habilitation for Children with ... 45%. The local partners provide matching funds of at least 30%. Purpose/objective: The mid-term evaluation had the purpose to get an understanding of the starting up process and guidance for the last part


Etiopia: Styrket matsikkerhet – tøft for sivilsamfunnet

Ny landrapport om utviklingsinnsatsen i Etiopia. Norads evalueringsavdeling offentliggjør i dag en ny, evalueringsbasert syntesestudie om den internasjonale bistandsinnsatsen i Etiopia. ... utgivelsen av landbriefen om Etiopia (Country Evaluation Brief) legger evalueringsavdelingen frem en oversikt med lenker til de underliggende evalueringsrapportene. I tillegg utgis såkalte Evaluation Portraits


A report on Mid-term Evaluation of Strømme Foundation Project Nepal

A report on Mid-term Evaluation of Strømme Foundation Project Nepal /no/resultater/publikasjoner/publikasjon?key=418535 1. Project Description and Background to Evaluation: Stromme Foundation (SF) Nepal ... mid-term evaluation in order to assess level of progress made by the project. The evaluation process was spread over a period of one month beginning 25 November to 25 December 2013. The evaluation included


Social Movement Against HIV/AIDS Project in Achham and Doti districts – external evaluation report

Social Movement Against HIV/AIDS Project in Achham and Doti districts – external evaluation report /no/resultater/publikasjoner/publikasjon?key=138803 Background and context The Social Movement against ... infected and affected people. The project was funded by SCNZ till September 2007. This external evaluation was carried out by a team of consultants in November 2007. Purpose / objective as specified in