
Ditt søk på country evaluation briefs gav 2052 treff
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Liangshan Health and Development Project of Norwegian Missionary Alliance – Final Evaluation Report

Liangshan Health and Development Project of Norwegian Missionary Alliance – Final Evaluation Report /no/resultater/publikasjoner/publikasjon?key=393238 Background: Since 1999, NMA supported implementing ... Purpose/objective: The evaluation is aiming to give a conclusion on the project, i.e whether the project has achieved the project objectives in accordance with the project plan. The purposes of the evaluation are i) to


Formative Evaluation of the NCA Emergency Preparedness Response Sector in Greater Darfur

Formative Evaluation of the NCA Emergency Preparedness Response Sector in Greater Darfur /no/resultater/publikasjoner/publikasjon?key=409183 Background: The EPRU (Emergency Preparedness and Response ... Purpose/ Objective: The purpose of this evaluation is to assess the relevance, efficiency, sustainability, effectiveness and impact of the EPR of the NCA DP. The evaluation report will be used as an accountability


Evaluation of Norway's support to women's rights and gender equality in development cooperation

1 Evaluation dEpartmEnt report 2/2015 // Final evaluation report evaluation of Norway’s support to women’s rights and gender equality in development cooperation RepoRt 2 /2015 ContEnt ForEword ... ...... 9 1.1 rationale and purpose of the evaluation ..................... 9 1.2 Specific objectives and evaluation questions ............ 10 1.3 evaluation scope and context ......................


Evalueringsprogrammet 2018-2020

daværende fokuslandene i norsk utviklingssamarbeid, ble påbegynt i 2016. Til nå er studier (Country Evaluation Briefs), utarbeidet for Afghanistan, Sør-Sudan, Mosambik, Malawi, Somalia, Palestina, Myanmar ... Donors or partners? Evaluation of Norwegian support to strengthen civil society in developing countries through Norwegian organisations 2016 E/ 1.16 Chasing civil society? Evaluation of Fredskorpset 2014


Project for the Holistic Habilitation of Children with Cerebral Palsy - Mid-term evaluation

Project for the Holistic Habilitation of Children with Cerebral Palsy - Mid-term evaluation /no/resultater/publikasjoner/publikasjon?key=387847 Background: The Holistic Habilitation for Children with ... 45%. The local partners provide matching funds of at least 30%. Purpose/objective: The mid-term evaluation had the purpose to get an understanding of the starting up process and guidance for the last part


Strongim Lek Gen – an evaluation of Partners with Melanesians in the Managalas Sustainable Development Project

Lek Gen – an evaluation of Partners with Melanesians in the Managalas Sustainable Development Project /no/resultater/publikasjoner/publikasjon?key=388447 Background: This is an evaluation of the Partners ... The main focus will be core activities supported by RFN in the period 2001 – 2010, since the last evaluation. b. To assist PwM to evaluate the legitimacy, trust, relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, participation


Mid-Term evaluation of the ending domestic violence project in Rwanda

Mid-Term evaluation of the ending domestic violence project in Rwanda /no/resultater/publikasjoner/publikasjon?key=386439 Background: Ending Domestic Violence (EDV) project was initiated in 2005 in response ... national struggle against gender based violence. Purpose/objective: The primary objective of this evaluation was to assess the strategies employed, achievements and challenges encountered during implementation