
Ditt søk på country evaluation briefs gav 2052 treff
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External Evaluation of the Project: «Mental Health of Panzi Foundation» in South Kivu

trauma victims, including sexual violence survivors. Purpose/ Objective: The objective of this evaluation was to: 1) provide an analysis of results achieved by activities already carried out 2) enable ... strategy/methodology and the activities for the next period (2015 – 2017). Five sets of questions guided this evaluation: In what the context of project implementation and activities planned have been relevant? Do these


Midterm Evaluation Report on NCA/Ethiopia Water and Sanitation Development Program January 2007-December 2008

Midterm Evaluation Report on NCA/Ethiopia Water and Sanitation Development Program January 2007-December 2008 /no/resultater/publikasjoner/publikasjon?key=152645 Background: NCA has been the implementing ... provide recommendations for the remaining period of the project. Methodology: The methodology of the evaluation is mainly based on primary and secondary data, including: • Document review, i.e. project agreement


Reconciliation Among Young People in the Balkans An Evaluation of the PostPessimist Network and Other Youth Initiatives

Reconciliation Among Young People in the Balkans An Evaluation of the PostPessimist Network and Other Youth Initiatives /no/resultater/publikasjoner/publikasjon?key=165433 50 This report is an ... People in the Balkans An Evaluation of the PostPessimist Network and Other Youth Initiatives /no/resultater/publikasjoner/publikasjon?key=165433 50 This report is an evaluation of the PostPessimist network


Etiopia: Styrket matsikkerhet – tøft for sivilsamfunnet

Ny landrapport om utviklingsinnsatsen i Etiopia. Norads evalueringsavdeling offentliggjør i dag en ny, evalueringsbasert syntesestudie om den internasjonale bistandsinnsatsen i Etiopia. ... utgivelsen av landbriefen om Etiopia (Country Evaluation Brief) legger evalueringsavdelingen frem en oversikt med lenker til de underliggende evalueringsrapportene. I tillegg utgis såkalte Evaluation Portraits


Final Impact Evaluation of the Saving for Change Program in Mali, 2009-2012

Final Impact Evaluation of the Saving for Change Program in Mali, 2009-2012 /no/resultater/publikasjoner/publikasjon?key=418585 Background: The Saving for Change program, which began in Mali in 2005 ... dynamic picture of the households studied over time as a complement to the baseline and endline evaluation data. The BARA study included a purposive sample of 19 total villages, 15 of which were selected


Synergy in Development. An Evaluation of the Speed Schools (SSA/SSP) & the Women’s Saving for Change project (CMMF/SFC) in three African Countries

Synergy in Development. An Evaluation of the Speed Schools (SSA/SSP) & the Women’s Saving for Change project (CMMF/SFC) in three African Countries /no/resultater/publikasjoner/publikasjon?key=418569 ... key=418569 1. Project Description and Background to Evaluation: In SF’s three intervention countries in West Africa, Mali, Burkina Faso and Niger, 3.18 million children are out of school. SF’s Speed Schools (SS)


Strengthening children`s rights - Mid term evaluation report 2011 Final

Strengthening children`s rights - Mid term evaluation report 2011 Final /no/resultater/publikasjoner/publikasjon?key=398480 Background: The Norwegian Lutheran Mission Mongolia (NLM-M) is implementing ... Children in dormitories; Social work education; Advocacy work. Purpose/objective: The purpose of the evaluation was to provide an objective assessment of progress made by SCR towards its objectives and the likelihood


Evaluation views: Evaluation of Norwegian support to strengthen civil society in developing countries

Evaluation views are comments written by department staff and external experts on relevant issues related to the department's work. Evaluation of Norwegian support to strengthen civil society in developing countries Despite it being an important channel for Norwegian development cooperation, Norway has no overarching strategy for its civil society support. Evaluation views are comments