
Ditt søk på bangladesh gav 1292 treff
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Results report 2017: Knowledge to fight poverty

13. Scubarice – a strain of rice that grows when submerged in water in flood-prone areas in Bangladesh and India ...........................................73 14. Knowledge provides for better regulation ... Forest Commis- sion has developed one of the best forest monitoring systems in the tropics. 13. BANGLADESH Through long-term research, researchers have developed a type of rice that tolerates being


Annual Report 2007 Evaluation of Norwegian Development Cooperation

The evaluation has covered all petroleum-related assist- ance to these three countries plus Bangladesh. The focus has been on the assistance over the last ten years. The information has been supplemented ... the needs of the partners over time. In more “mature” petro- leum countries such as Angola and Bangladesh, the flex- ibility has led to necessary decisions being postponed and the implementation being


Assessment of the Norwegian Multi-bilateral Programme under Unesco

Research Vessel 11 AFRICA REG: (Zimbabwe) Second Regional Training Course in Mining Geology 12 BANGLADESH: Development of Technical Education IDENTIFICATION OF THE PROJECTS SELECTION OF IMPLEMENTING ... reports several requests from African governments and institutions for a third course. 17 12, BANGLADESH: Development of Technical Education The project, designed to supply technical institutions with


Helsegapet : en informasjonsavis om helse, globalisering og fattigdom

dør hvert år. Over halvparten av verdens 146 millioner underernærte barn bor i tre land: India, Bangladesh og Pakistan. Helsegapet øker mellom nord og sør ● Utviklingsland har 90 prosent av sykdomsbyrden ... årlig til USA. Men helsepersonell som reiser ut er ikke negativt for alle land. Filippinene og Bangladesh utdanner for eksempel «syke- pleiere for eksport» ut fra ideen om at mennesker er en av de fremste


PEACE WORKS, Assam Riot Victims’ Rehabilitation and Development Support Midterm Evalauation Report

Director of the Christian Health and Agricultural Project, an integrated rural development project, Bangladesh (see CHAPA pg. 2) Other Experience: • Created and compiled a practical workshop guide for ... development. • Led a cross-cultural team in an organizational evaluation for the Leprosy Mission, Bangladesh, 2003. • Wrote several development-related articles for magazines in Nepal and one for the Community


Country Evaluation Brief: Myanmar

agricultural area. PHOTO: CURT CARNEMARK / SAMFOTO 4 COUNTRY EVALUATION BRIEF // MYANMAR BHUTAN BANGLADESH INDIA CHINA VIETNAM LAOS THAILAND CAMBODIA Bay of Bangal Andaman Sea NEPAL Kachin Sagaing ... organisations 2017 Military crackdown in Rakhine State; hundreds of thousands of Rohingyas flee to Bangladesh General Ne Win seizes power through a coup 1962 Burma renamed “Myanmar”; the capital, Rangoon