
Ditt søk på Country evaluation briefs gav 2052 treff
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Terminal Evaluation of the project on Improving Natural Resources use on the Eastern side of Udzungwa Mountains National Park, Tanzania

Terminal Evaluation of the project on Improving Natural Resources use on the Eastern side of Udzungwa Mountains National Park, Tanzania /no/resultater/publikasjoner/publikasjon?key=386481 Background: ... vital sustainable goods and services at local, national and international levels.” Methodology: The evaluation was conducted through reviews of key project documents as well as meetings and discussions with


Interim evaluation CEDC partner programme of Save the Children Norway in Cambodia

Interim evaluation CEDC partner programme of Save the Children Norway in Cambodia /no/resultater/publikasjoner/publikasjon?key=138682 Background Four assessments were carried out by external resource ... resource persons in 2005: • Thematic evaluation of SCN Cambodia program responding to violence against and sexual abuse of children (CCPCR and VCAO), by Edelwiss Silan • Impact assessment cooperation project


ANNEXES_ Evaluation of Five Humanitarian Programmes of the Norwegian Refugee Council and of the Standby Roster NORCAP.pdf

Evaluation of Five Humanitarian Programmes of the Norwegian Refugee Council and of the Standby Roster NORCAP Report 4/2013 Evaluation Department Norad Norwegian Agency for Development ... 22 24 20 31 Photo: Eva Bratholm Design: Siste Skrik Kommunikasjon ISBN: 978-82-7548-781-8 Evaluation of Five Humanitarian Programmes of the Norwegian Refugee Council and of the Standby


Final Evaluation Report of “Reinforcement of Capacity on Gender Equality and Empowerment of Districts of ELCC”

regions has resulted in tangible results among the target beneficiaries. The current projects under evaluation, “Reinforcement of Capacity on Gender Equality and Empowerment of Districts of the ELCC” in the ... mobilization to ensure self-reliance remained challenges and resulted in the current project phase under evaluation.  The specific objectives or outcomes of the project have targeted to improve the role and place


Evaluation of CESAR’s Activities in the Middle East Funded by Norway

Evaluation of CESAR’s Activities in the Middle East Funded by Norway /no/resultater/publikasjoner/publikasjon?key=165475 100 This report presents the outcome of an evaluation of activities in the Middle ... Middle East by the Centre for Environmental Studies and Resource Management (CESAR). The evaluation has been undertaken by Nordic Consulting Group (NCG), Norway from May to September 2003 with a team consisting