
Ditt søk på Country evaluation briefs gav 2052 treff
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Evaluation of the capacity and performance of the Zambia National AIDS Network under the Joint Financing Arrangement (2004-2007): charting the way forward

Evaluation of the capacity and performance of the Zambia National AIDS Network under the Joint Financing Arrangement (2004-2007): charting the way forward /no/resultater/publikasjoner/publikasjon?key=109805 ... Effectiveness. March 2005. Interesting Findings The evaluation intended to assess the successes and challenges of the JFA support to ZNAN during the evaluation period (2004-2007), including an assessment of


Evalueringsprogrammet 2017-2018

evalueringskunnskap for fokuslandene i norsk utviklingssamarbeid ble påbegynt i 2016. Til nå er studier (Country Evaluation Briefs) utarbeidet for Afghanistan, Sør-Sudan og Mosambik. Tre nye er under utarbeidelse, for ... globale miljøfondet(GEF). I tillegg vil avdelingen i 2017 delta i samarbeidet mellom OECD/DAC og UN Evaluation Group om gjennomgang (peer review) av evalueringsfunksjonen i UNICEF. 6 EVALUERINGSPROGRAMMET


Real-time evaluation of Norway's International Climate and Forest Initiative. Empowerment of indigenous peoples and forest dependent local communities through support to ngos

Real-time evaluation of Norway's International Climate and Forest Initiative. Empowerment of indigenous peoples and forest dependent local communities through support to civil society organisations #NICFI ... #NICFI #Noradevaluering 150 978-82-8369-034-7 AECOM International Development Europe S.L. the Evaluation Department