
Ditt søk på Country evaluation briefs gav 2052 treff
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10.2023_Brief_Evaluation of Norwegian aid Engagement in the Sahel.pdf

Wilhelmsen, senior advisors at the Department for Evaluation in Norad, with input from Ornella Moderan, independent Sahel researcher, on the basis of the evaluation reports written by Tana. The findings, interpretations ... conclusions presented in this note do not necessarily reflect the views of the Department for Evaluation. Suggested citation: Millard, A. S., Fabra-Mata, J. And A. Wilhelmsen (2023). Navigating Aid


Mid-term evaluation – Implementation of Norad Programme, Zimbabwe Country Programme 2016-2019

67 Purpose/objective The mid-term evaluation (MTE) aims to find current performance (2016-2018) against the expected level of the strategic program 2016 – 2019 in a consultative process. The MTE will ... challenges, highlight lessons learnt and make clear concrete recommendations to NPA with regards to the country program and partners. Methodology The MTE methods included desk/documentation review and analysis


Evaluation Annual report 2017/18 Requirements for useful evaluations

The annual report from the Evaluation Department highlights main lessons from the evaluations and studies conducted the last twelve months, from May 2017 to May 2018. Evaluation Annual report 2017/18: Requirements ... Requirements for useful evaluations @noradevaluering 52 The annual report from the Evaluation Department highlights main lessons from the evaluations and studies conducted the last twelve months, from