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NORHED. The Norwegian Programme for Capacity Development in Higher Education and Research for Development. Results 2015

Tanzania (7 Projects) > Uganda (16 Projects) > Zambia (5 Projects) > Zimbabwe (2 Projects) ASIA > Bangladesh (2 Projects) > Bhutan (1 Project) > Cambodia (1 Project) > Myanmar (1 Project) > Nepal (5 Projects) ... DEVELOPMENT IN HIGHER EDUCATION AND RESEARCH FOR DEVELOPMENT // RESULTS 2015 Country Partner Banladesh Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology North South University 1 1 Bhutan Royal University


Evaluation of the World Food Programme

Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI) of Bergen, Norway, of WFP projects in five countries, including Bangladesh, Bolivia, Ethiopia, Tanzania, and Vietnam. The work in the first phase provided conclusive findings ... of the Country Office (CO), food security, and government capacity. The countries selected were Bangladesh, Bolivia, Ethiopia, Ghana, Guatemala, Malawi, Morocco, Pakistan, and Vietnam. The country case


State-of-the-art study : the long-term effects of assistance to the power sector

access to markets. Similar positive complementarities were identified with electricity. • In Bangladesh access to a telephone was shown to increase per capita monthly expenditure of poor households ... infrastructure types, electricity appears to have the highest individual impact in this particular Bangladesh study. Returns are higher, however, when access to household electricity is combined with access


Utrygg trafikk Kartlegging av internasjonale trender innen menneskehandel

nettverk av over 2000 jurister som arbeider mot vold, menneskehandel og HIV/AIDS i India, Nepal and Bangladesh. The Independent Charitable Center for Sexual Assault Recovery (SYOSTRI) fikk også støtte fra ... nettverk for erfaringsutveksling35. Danidas støtte til barn går via Redd Barnas landprogram i Bangladesh som arbeider mot handel med barn, ”Østersørådets Arbejdsgruppen for samarbejde om udsatte børn”


Real-Time Evaluation of Norway’s International Climate and Forest Initiative Contributions to National REDD+ Processes 2007-2010 Country Report: Guyana

World Bank Cooperation on Poverty Reduction 5.01 Evaluation of Development Co-operation between Bangladesh and Norway, 1995–2000 6.01 Can democratisation prevent conflicts? Lessons from sub-Saharan Africa ... Assistance South Africa Case Study 5.10 Study: Evaluation of Norwegian Business-related Assistance Bangladesh Case Study 6.10 Study: Evaluation of Norwegian Business-related Assistance Uganda Case Study