
Ditt søk på bangladesh gav 1292 treff
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Study on private sector development in Zambia

reviewed its support of private sector development in major partner countries. The countries are Bangladesh and Sri Lanka in Asia, and Malawi, Mosambique, Tanzania, Uganda, and Zambia in Africa. The aim ... Perception Index Rating in Countries included in NORAD PSD Reviews Malawi Zambia Tanzania Uganda Bangladesh Sri Lanka Mozambique TI rating 61 75 82 88 91 Not rated Not rated The corruption problem is seldom


Private sector development and prospects for Norwegian trade and investment interests in Sri Lanka (phase 2 study)

shipping companies for ferry services between Sri Lanka and South Indian ports, and to Pakistan and Bangladesh. Furthermore, they have been investigating the possibility of starting small vessel breakbulk freight ... countries in the Norwegian development co-operation. Phase I of the study comprises Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, Mozambique and Malawi. Its focus is the enabling environment for PSD


Joint Review of IWGIA’s Framework Agreements with the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Norad, including selected initiatives in Ethiopia, Kenya, Thailand and Cambodia

with government donor agencies. It seems that very little has been done in this regard outside of Bangladesh and Nepal. The review team observes that there are good opportunities for contacting developing ... self-determination for indigenous peoples can be furthered (and the peace process strengthened). In Bangladesh, IWGIA has had a key role in the revitalization of the Chittagong Hill Tracts Commission (CHTC)


Aid Coordination and Aid Effectiveness

social scientist from one country where aid relations have generated considera- ble controversy (Bangladesh) uses those insights to study a case of considerably more serious aid depend- ency. One point Sobhan ... to counter the donor onslaught in terms of studies, data and viewpoints. He notes the efforts in Bangladesh to produce their own annual development review that among other things can challenge the Bret-