
Ditt søk på country evaluation briefs gav 2052 treff
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Review of ‘Integration of environmental concerns and civil society engagement in petroleum-related Norwegian development cooperation and the development of petroleum resources in developing countries’

the Oil for Development Initiative in the five African countries listed above, since 2007. The evaluation covers the project period 2010-12 (Norad agreement GLO-0630, QZA-09/277). During this time WWF ... and equitable governance contributing to sustainable development.’ Evaluation Methodology: The evaluation largely followed OECD evaluation criteria and structure. It included: - Interviews conducted in Uganda


Norwegian Church Aid's Humanitarian and Peace-making Work in Mali

in Mali /no/resultater/publikasjoner/publikasjon?key=166812 62 The central objective of the Evaluation project was to describe and analyse the relationship between the Norwegian Church Aid's (NCA) humanitarian ... NCA-Mali case to illuminate wider issues involved in efforts to achieve peace and reconciliation in a country supported by the Norwegian authorities. 82-7177-482-4 International Peace Research Institute,Oslo


2015 Laos Evaluation - Empowerment of Ethinic Minorities for Livelihood and Community Development in North Western Laos.pdf

(Long District, Luang Namtha Province and Pha Oudom District, Bokeo Province) Final evaluation report (final version) March 2015 Team composition (independent consultants) ... .......................................... 3 3. RESULTS, ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSION ALONG THE 5 EVALUATION CRITERIA AND 2 CROSS CUTTING ISSUES .........................................................


Creating Change in Children’s Lives; An Evaluation of Save the Children’s Child Rights Governance Programme, Nepal Case Study.pdf

Nepal Case Creating Change in Children’s Lives: An Evaluation of Save the Children’s Child Rights Governance Programme A Limited Study October 2013 By Era Shrestha ... Consulting Group Fr. Nansenspl 4, 0160 Oslo www.ncg.no Country Study Team: Era Shrestha (Team Leader), Ananda S. Millard (Support). Evaluation Team: Dr. Ananda S. Millard (Team Leader), Janne Lexow


External evaluation report. Master’s program in “Communication for Development”, Master’s program “Intercultural Communication” 2006 -2013.pdf

1 EXTERNAL EVALUATION REPORT MASTER’S PROGRAM IN ‘COMMUNICATION FOR DEVELOPMENT’ MASTER’S PROGRAM IN ‘INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION’ 2006 - 2013 Implemented by the Department of ... Executive summary 1. Introduction Part I: Terms of reference, methodology and context of evaluation 2. Terms of reference 3. Methodology 4. The context of the master programs 5. Characteristics


External evaluation of programs and projects of 2012. Mid-term Assessment of DECO and HIV-AIDS projects.pdf

“EXTERNAL EVALUATION OF PROGRAMS AND PROJECTS OF 2012” PERIOD 2010-2012 EVALUATION REPORTS Mirna Moncada F, Coordination Carmen Álvarez, VIH-SIDA Henry Morales, Financial Analysis Ramiro Alvear, Generals ... External Evaluation of Programs and Projects of 2012 CONTENT Executive Report 1 Mid-term Assessment of DECO and HIV/AIDS projects 3 Terms of Reference (Annex 1) 50 Guide to Evaluation team (Annex 2)


Evaluering av kapasitetsutvikling

Evaluation of Norwegian support to capacity development Mer om evalueringen Skandinavisk fellesevaluering 124 Presentasjon av evalueringsrapporten (presentation in English will follow) Evalueringen ... Itad på oppdrag fra evalueringsavdelingen i Norad. Presentation of the evaluation report The report presents the results of an evaluation of Norwegian support to capacity development in public sector, aiming


The Multilateral Organisations Performance Assessment Network (MOPAN)

survey of 3 multilateral organisations in 8-10 countries. In each country, MOPAN members complete questionnaires which feed into a country report and an overall synthesis report for the agencies concerned ... both headquarters and country level the involvement of MOPAN country offices in the surveying of multilateral cooperation the improvement of overall multilateral performance at country level MOPAN


Managing risks in fragile states

The Evaluation Department in Norad invites to a debate on risk management in fragile and conflict affected countries, building on findings from the evaluation of Norway’s engagement in Somalia Norwegian ... situations. The Evaluation Department in Norad invites to a debate on risk management in fragile and conflict affected countries. The event is also livestreamed here on norad.no. Webinar he Evaluation Department