
Ditt søk på Country evaluation briefs gav 2052 treff
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Considerable progress for Norway’s International Climate and Forest Initiative

A new report evaluates Norway’s International Climate and Forest Initiative (NICFI) and shows that results have been achieved in spite of weak pre-initiative planning and poor reporting during its implementation. “The evaluation points out that the initiative has made considerable progress. In general positive results have been achieved in the three climate change goals,” says Ida Hellmark,


Fiction, Facts & Future : Norad’s Assistance to Water Supply and Sanitation Development in Tanzania and Kenya during the 70s, 80s and 90s

people without access to water and sanitation. In translating the MDGs into quantitative targets at country level we need to take the key lessons from the "Decade" into account. In the Norwegian government's ... and literature studies, interviews and field work. This Executive Summary is intended to provide a brief description of the most important features of the review and to present the main conclusions. Chapter


The Norwegian People's Aid Mine Clearance Project in Cambodia

The Norwegian People's Aid Mine Clearance Project in Cambodia /no/resultater/publikasjoner/publikasjon?key=165615 56 This is an evaluation of NPA's mine clearance project to date, to provide ... key=165615 56 This is an evaluation of NPA's mine clearance project to date, to provide a basis for the MFA decision on the possible continuation of the project. The evaluation includes an assessment of


Facing multiple crises: challenges for international development cooperation in Democratic Republic of the Congo

The Department for Evaluation in Norad invites to a webinar to discuss the international development support to Democratic Republic of the Congo. Findings from a new report summarizing knowledge from various international evaluations will be presented as a background for discussion. May 3, 2022 10:00 AM Oslo Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) faces multiple simultaneous crises including


Manglende oversikt over norsk bistand til næringsutvikling

Evaluering fra Norad viser at det er vanskelig å kartlegge omfanget av bistand til næringsutvikling. Manglende oversikt over norsk bistand til næringsutvikling Utvikling av privat ... med evalueringsrapporten et notat (evalueringsbrief) som ser nærmere på disse aktsomhetsstandardene, som skal sikre et ansvarlig arbeidsliv. Last ned evalueringsbriefet fra publikasjonssiden til rapporten 


Enhancing Sustainable Livelihoods for Poor and Marginalised Households through Land Tenure Security

Evaluation Of the SULTS Project - Zambia Land Alliance. 56 Background: DanChurchAid (DCA) present in Zambia as Norwegian Church Aid/DanChurchAid/ Christian Aid Joint Country Programme (JCP), with partner ... 2012 to March 2016 . The project has been externally evaluated. The purpose of the end of project evaluation was to provide the funders and implementing partners and other relevant and interested stakeholders


Strengthening Children with Disabilities Project (NLM-Mongolia)

42 Basis for mid-term project evaluation The NLM-Mongolia ... PROJECT MID-TERM EVALUATION REPORT ULAANBAATAR 2022 2 | P a g e Acknowledgment The project's midterm evaluation was carried out by evaluators ... participated in the study to provide primary data for the successful implementation of the evaluation. We also would like to express our gratitude to the management team and staff of the Association