
Ditt søk på country evaluation briefs gav 2052 treff
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Facing multiple crises: challenges for international development cooperation in Democratic Republic of the Congo

The Department for Evaluation in Norad invites to a webinar to discuss the international development support to Democratic Republic of the Congo. Findings from a new report summarizing knowledge from various international evaluations will be presented as a background for discussion. May 3, 2022 10:00 AM Oslo Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) faces multiple simultaneous crises including


Responding to the Covid-19 Pandemic - Early Norwegian Development Aid Support

The Evaluation Department presents a mapping of Norwegian aid to Covid-19 related initiatives in the first six months of 2020. Responding to the Covid-19 Pandemic - Early Norwegian Development Aid Support ... Support Les mer om kartleggingen The Evaluation Department presents a mapping of Norwegian aid to Covid-19 related initiatives in the first six months of 2020. @noradevaluering #noradevaluering #covid19


Participatory Mid Term Review of Business Development Services: Pilot Exercise in ISSIA

Services: Pilot Exercise in ISSIA /no/resultater/publikasjoner/publikasjon?key=117270 Background Evaluation conducted by: Åsa Sildnes, Development Consultant, Context Consult, Norway (Team Leader), Naboth ... to promote BDS through its partner MFIs and also offer a model to the micro finance sector in the country. Methodology Six methods were used in getting information: Document review, observations, structured


Review of the Norwegian Embassy’s support to economic and social science research in Angola

constraints on both sides which could have been managed more pro-actively through continuous monitoring, evaluation and adjustments. 9. Overall assessment of core financial support: when it comes to the fostering ... regard as well as the ways in which national capacity for public policy research, formulation and evaluation could be strengthened . 10. Conclusions and recommendations: Based on the experiences so far


HIV AND AIDS RESPONSE 2010-2013. A Review of Save the Children’s HIV and AIDS International Programmes

Save the Children (SC) member and country offices. The effort and ramifications of the changes were substantial and required considerable time in some countries. Country office unification and entering into ... 2013. Global HIV and AIDS funding also levelled off over this period. Purpose/objective (including evaluation questions) The purpose of this Review is to document results achieved as a result of the investments


Manglende oversikt over norsk bistand til næringsutvikling

Evaluering fra Norad viser at det er vanskelig å kartlegge omfanget av bistand til næringsutvikling. Manglende oversikt over norsk bistand til næringsutvikling Utvikling av privat ... med evalueringsrapporten et notat (evalueringsbrief) som ser nærmere på disse aktsomhetsstandardene, som skal sikre et ansvarlig arbeidsliv. Last ned evalueringsbriefet fra publikasjonssiden til rapporten