
Ditt søk på Country evaluation briefs gav 2052 treff
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SWAps and civil society : the role of civil society organisations in the health sector in Mozambique

SWAps and civil society : the role of civil society organisations in the health sector in Mozambique /no/resultater/publikasjoner/publikasjon?key=109431 39 The objectives of the country study are: ... sector in Mozambique /no/resultater/publikasjoner/publikasjon?key=109431 39 The objectives of the country study are: (a) To review the roles of civil society organisations in the health sector programme


Oil for Development 2008 [annual report]

Oil for Development 2008 [annual report] /no/resultater/publikasjoner/publikasjon?key=132945 40 What Oil for Development is About The international financial crisis has reminded us of an ... than 25 countries, mostly bilaterally, but also through regional and multilateral initiatives. Each country has its own particular challenges and there are no "quick fixes". Our goal is to enable our cooperating


Mid-Term Review of The Rights Based Approach Strategy 2004 - 2007

Approach Strategy 2004 - 2007 /no/resultater/publikasjoner/publikasjon?key=117405 Background The Country Programme (CP) Strategy 2004 - 2007 was born out of the experiences of the most turbulent post independence ... and effectiveness of the country programme given the challenging and changing socio-economic and political environment. Purpose/objective Look at the implementation of the country strategy and analyse the


NCA and Indigenous people in Guatemala

work towards indigenous peoples of Guatemala. A significant part of the current NCA partners in the country run projects where indigenous peoples are highly represented among the rights holders. However, NCA ... visit was first and foremost to get an insight in the current work towards indigenous peoples in the country, and on the basis of meetings and conversations with selected partners, NCA staff and right holders


Improving Livelihood of the Resource Poor: A Study of Future in Our Hands work in the Plantation Sector

often neglected by the national government's development initiatives. Purpose/objective The current evaluation was commissioned with the purpose of scrutinising the relevance and adequacy of current activities ... Methodology The decision and choice of the evaluation methods were taken by using a participatory approach with the management and staff of FIOH. The evaluation adopted methods from both qualitative and


Folgeevaluering av Norges klima- og skoginitiativ

Følgeevaluering av Norges klima- og skoginitiativ Evalueringsavdelingen i Norad foretar en følgeevaluering av Norges klima- og skoginitiativ. Her finner du informasjon om følgeevalueringen ... klima- og skoginitiativ samt alle publiserte rapporter og nyheter. Information about the real-time evaluation in English Se informasjon om følgeevaluering av Norges klima- og skoginitiativ samt alle publiserte


Rayitu and Dawe-Serer Community Livelihood Improvement

49 This DRAFT evaluation report document was prepared in line with the shared Terms of ... 1894-518x Published: 11.08.2023 Cover Photo: Ken Opprann norad.no Final Report: Final Evaluation of RDCLIP Live International Development Consultant, lidconsult@yahoo.com ... DASSC (NLM) Project End-term /Evaluation “Rayitu and Dawe-Serer Community Livelihood Improvement” in Bale Zone, Oromia National Regional


Evaluering av Fredskorpset

innretning og strategi for å styrke det sivile samfunn i utviklingsland. Chasing civil society? Evaluation of Fredskorpset Les mer om evalueringen #evaluering @noradevaluering Tidligere evalueringer ... samarbeid med Nordic Consulting Group, på oppdrag fra evalueringsavdelingen i Norad. About the evaluation  The evaluation has assessed FK Norway’s approach and strategy when it comes to strengthening civil society


Manglende oversikt over norsk bistand til næringsutvikling

Evaluering fra Norad viser at det er vanskelig å kartlegge omfanget av bistand til næringsutvikling. Manglende oversikt over norsk bistand til næringsutvikling Utvikling av privat ... med evalueringsrapporten et notat (evalueringsbrief) som ser nærmere på disse aktsomhetsstandardene, som skal sikre et ansvarlig arbeidsliv. Last ned evalueringsbriefet fra publikasjonssiden til rapporten 


Evalueringsavdelingens årsrapport 2016

kunnskap ved å oppsummere og gjøre den tilgjengelig på en kortfattede måte. Landrapportene (Country Evaluation Briefs) om Afghanistan, Sør-Sudan og Mosambik systematiserte funn fra evalueringer og andre relevante ... UTENRIKSDEPARTEMENTET Evaluering av Norges internasjonale pådrivervirksomhet RAPPORT 5/2016 Evaluation of Norway’s support for advocacy in the development policy arena Eksterne konsulenter: Swedish