
Ditt søk på Country evaluation briefs gav 2052 treff
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Rayitu and Dawe-Serer Community Livelihood Improvement

49 This DRAFT evaluation report document was prepared in line with the shared Terms of ... 1894-518x Published: 11.08.2023 Cover Photo: Ken Opprann norad.no Final Report: Final Evaluation of RDCLIP Live International Development Consultant, lidconsult@yahoo.com ... DASSC (NLM) Project End-term /Evaluation “Rayitu and Dawe-Serer Community Livelihood Improvement” in Bale Zone, Oromia National Regional


Evaluering av Fredskorpset

innretning og strategi for å styrke det sivile samfunn i utviklingsland. Chasing civil society? Evaluation of Fredskorpset Les mer om evalueringen #evaluering @noradevaluering Tidligere evalueringer ... samarbeid med Nordic Consulting Group, på oppdrag fra evalueringsavdelingen i Norad. About the evaluation  The evaluation has assessed FK Norway’s approach and strategy when it comes to strengthening civil society


Evalueringsavdelingens årsrapport 2016

kunnskap ved å oppsummere og gjøre den tilgjengelig på en kortfattede måte. Landrapportene (Country Evaluation Briefs) om Afghanistan, Sør-Sudan og Mosambik systematiserte funn fra evalueringer og andre relevante ... UTENRIKSDEPARTEMENTET Evaluering av Norges internasjonale pådrivervirksomhet RAPPORT 5/2016 Evaluation of Norway’s support for advocacy in the development policy arena Eksterne konsulenter: Swedish


Mange gode resultater, tross høy risiko

Nye landrapporter om utviklingsinnsatsen i partnerlandene Myanmar og Nepal. Norads evalueringsavdeling presenterer samlede evalueringsfunn fra norske partnerland i et lett tilgjengelig format ... samtidig ut en oversikt med lenker til de underliggende evalueringsrapportene. Korte sammendrag, Evaluation Portraits, gjøres også tilgjengelig for hver enkelt landrapport. I tillegg til selve landrapportene


LO-Norway's project co-operation with Malawi Congress of Trade unions (MCTU)

Final Report on the External Evaluation of LO-Norway's Project Co-Operation with Malawi Congress of Trade Unions (MCTU) LO-Norway's project co-operation with Malawi Congress of Trade unions (MCTU) ... External Evaluation of LO-Norway's Project Co-Operation with Malawi Congress of Trade Unions (MCTU) 56 Background Malawi Congress of Trade Unions (MCTU) is the only workers federation in the country. As


Portfolio Review 2023 - Governance and Public Finance

32 Norad’s Governance and Public Finance ... Published: 15.12.2023 norad.no 3 Table of contents Introduction 4 Portfolio in brief 6 1. Knowledge development 9 1.1 Reducing inequality 9 1.2 Environmental crime, corruption and ... financing for development and relevant global anti-corruption arenas. 6 Portfolio in brief Portfolio objectives The overall objective of the portfolio (impact level) is for


Effectiveness and sustainability assessment of HIV/AIDS awareness and preventive project of Free Pentecostal Fellowship in Kenya

and Preventive Project in the year 2000. Several activities have been held in three regions of the country namely the Nyanza, the Coast and Southern rift. The activities have been held both in schools, churches ... PYM asked FPFK to conduct an evaluation to assess the impact of the project in the various target areas. The evaluation was conducted in the beginning of 2004. The evaluation came up with some recommendations


Effectiveness and sustainability assessment of HIV/AIDS awareness and preventive project of Free Pentecostal Fellowship in Kenya.

and Preventive Project in the year 2000. Several activities have been held in three regions of the country namely the Nyanza, the Coast and Southern rift. The activities have been held both in schools, churches ... PYM asked FPFK to conduct an evaluation to assess the impact of the project in the various target areas. The evaluation was conducted in the beginning of 2004. The evaluation came up with some recommendations


SWAps and civil society : the role of civil society organisations in Malawi's health sector programme

SWAps and civil society : the role of civil society organisations in Malawi's health sector programme /no/resultater/publikasjoner/publikasjon?key=109428 40 The objectives of the country study are: ... sector programme /no/resultater/publikasjoner/publikasjon?key=109428 40 The objectives of the country study are: (a) To review the roles of civil society organisations in the health sector programme


Making Government Smaller and More Efficient: The Botswana Case

Making Government Smaller and More Efficient: The Botswana Case /no/resultater/publikasjoner/publikasjon?key=165403 45 Executive summary This report assesses the role, scale and scope of government ... to avoid escalating budget deficits. This report argues that aid transfers beyond the recipient country’s absorption capacity have similar effects. 82-7177-620-7 Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI), Botswana