
Ditt søk på bangladesh gav 1292 treff
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Income Generating Activities for the Underprivileged Communities mainly through Awareness and Educat.pdf

Community Development Center (CODEC), one of the major partner NGOs of SF, from 2001 in the southern part  of Bangladesh (Bagerhat district). There was a TOR prepared for this evaluation following which the evaluation  ... percentage  of  the  clients  are  non‐poor,  a  common  phenomenon  of microfinance  program  in  Bangladesh. However, it would be good if the client selection process is made more prudent to exclude non‐poor


Report of the evaluation of the professional shipping course in Oslo

Report of the evaluation of the professional shipping course in Oslo /no/resultater/publikasjoner/publikasjon?key=165486 98 The intention of this evaluation is to assess the Professional Shipping Course at the Norwegian ... _L SUB TOTAL MIDDLE EAST IRAN IRAQ JORDAN SAUDI ARABIA TURKEY SUB-TOTAL SOUTH ASIA BANGLADESH INDIA PAKISTAN SRI LANKA SUB TOTAL SOUTH EAST ASIA BURMA FIJI INDONESIA MALAYSIA 72/73


A Synthesis of Evaluations of Environmental Development Assistance by Multilateral Organisations

A Synthesis of Evaluations of Environmental Development Assistance by Multilateral Organisations /no/resultater/publikasjoner/publikasjon?key=138139 118 Preface The objective of this systematic presentation ... World Bank Cooperation on Poverty Reduction 5.01 Evaluation of Development Co-operation between Bangladesh and Norway, 1995–2000 6.01 Can democratisation prevent conflicts? Lessons from sub-Saharan


Oil for Development - Annual Report 2020

Annual report - The Oil for Development Programme Oil for Development - Annual Report 2020 Annual report - The Oil for Development Programme 50 Foreword  2020 was the most challenging year in ... 162 7 888 13 548 15 635 9 100 2 332 6 556 9 988 8 637 18 834 16 277 6 261 7 383 1 295 137 881 Bangladesh 3 045 10 210 8 783 3 000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 28 083 Benin 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 034 508 1 543


Working with partners: Mid-Term evaluation of Norwegian People’s Aid

84 Background Norwegian People’s Aid has an international strategy for the period 2012-2015. This also coincides with the period for the implementation of the cooperation agreement with Norad. ... exist also outside Latin America, like in Zimbabwe, South Africa, Indonesia, the Philippines or Bangladesh. There is a strong tradition in NPA for strong autonomy in the countries of operation. Therefore