
Ditt søk på country evaluation briefs gav 2052 treff
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Mid-term Review of Inter-Sectoral response to HIV/AIDS in Angola

Mid-term Review of Inter-Sectoral response to HIV/AIDS in Angola /no/resultater/publikasjoner/publikasjon?key=117519 78 The Project Sweden and Norway entered into an agreement of nearly USD ... has made a significant contribution to fighting HIV/AIDS in Angola. It successfully matches the country's needs as presented in the government's Strategic Plan (2007-2010) with UNICEF's mandate, in particular


Empowerment of Ethnic Minorities for Livelihood and Community Development in North Western Laos

(Long District, Luang Namtha Province and Pha Oudom District, Bokeo Province. Final evaluation report 81 Background: Since the1st February 2008, NCA has been implementing a livelihood and community development ... objective of the evaluation was to get an independent and external assessment of achievements from the 6 year project supported by KCF from 2008 to 2014. In particular, the objective of the evaluation was to examine


Resultatrapportering uten effekt?

resultatinformasjon fra partnere enn å bruke informasjonen til å bedre norsk bistand. Les evalueringen: Evaluation of the Norwegian Aid Administration’s Practice of Results-Based Management Resultatansvar - Skal ... Resultatorientering er nemlig mer enn rapportering, avslutter Bastøe. Se alle funnene i rapporten: Evaluation of the Norwegian Aid Administration’s Practice of Results-Based Management


Back to a future – Youth Pack 2003-2005, Sierra Leone

programs in other countries. The main purpose of the evaluation is to guide NRC centrally and country teams embarking on youth education projects. The evaluation assessed the following main issues: - Relevance: ... skills, tools and experiences for Youth Pack to reach optimal results. The main problem seen by the evaluation team is the way the programs has been planned and implemented, almost in isolation from other actors


Literature review on civil societys roles in reducing tropical forest loss

Literature review on civil society's roles in reducing tropical forest loss 29 Norway’s International Climate and Forest Initiative (NICFI) aims at reducing and reversing loss of tropical forest ... is to serve as a basis for upcoming evaluations of the Norwegian engagement. The literature review was carried out by Cicero on behalf of the Department for Evaluation in Norad. 978-82-8369-093-4 Cicero


Disabled people’s organization to disabled people’s organization: It was a completely different type of chemistry really in the relationship

chemistry really in the relationship /no/resultater/publikasjoner/publikasjon?key=117385 Background Evaluation by Norwegian Association of Disabled. Conducted by The Centre for Rehabilitation Studies of Faculty ... Theresa Lorenzo, Ms Siphokazi Gcaza, Mrs Judy McKenzie, Ms Gubela Mji. A narrative report on an evaluation of the partnership between Disabled Children's Action Group (DICAG), South Africa and Norsk Forbund


How to engage in long-term humanitarian crises

How to engage in long-term humanitarian crises: a desk review 78 Norsk Beslutningstakere og aktører har i mange år diskutert hvordan man bedre skal støtte mennesker i sårbare ... provide a basis for upcoming evaluations of the Norwegian engagement.  978-82-7548-846-4 Overseas Development Institute in cooperation with Chr. Michelsen Intitute The Evaluation Department (Norad) <ul><li><a


Evaluering av institusjonsutvikling

Effektiv norsk modell for institusjonsutvikling Norsk støtte til institusjonsutvikling har i mange tilfeller vist seg å fungere effektivt, viser en ny evaluering. Felles ... utviklingsland. Det viser en ny evaluering som evalueringsavdelingen i Norad har bestilt. Se hele rapporten: Evaluation of Norwegian support to capacity development - Langvarig samarbeid og fleksibilitet i gjennomføringen


Association for Promoting Social Action (APSA) – A Critical Review of the Organisation and its Programmes for the Urban Poor and Vulnerable Children

twenty-six years. Purpose/objective The evaluation is a mid-term evaluation, being conducted within the agreement period of 2004 - 2008 between FORUT and APSA. The evaluation is intended to be a useful tool for ... development of the organisation. The evaluation was conducted in two parts and has two virtually parallel perspectives; 1. The first is a standard project follow up evaluation addressing the progress of the


Behov for bedre læring i fokusland

Nytt rapportkonsept fra evalueringsavdelingen i Norad. I dag publiseres landrapporter om Sør-Sudan, Afghanistan og Mosambik. Landrapporter for Sør-Sudan, Afghanistan og Mosambik først ... samtidig ut en oversikt med lenker til de underliggende evalueringsrapportene. Korte sammendrag, Evaluation Portraits, blir også tilgjengelig for hver enkelt rapport. Hensikten er å presentere eksisterende