
Ditt søk på Country evaluation briefs gav 2052 treff
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Capacity Building through Faith Based Facilitation (FBF) – Africa Zone

in using FBF in all situations, both within the church and in community. Purpose/objective This Evaluation is intended to assess the relevance, performance and success of the project, as well as the appropriateness ... including the contribution to capacity development within the Salvation Army across Africa. The evaluation will identify and document lessons learned and make recommendations that the organization might


Mid-term Review of Inter-Sectoral response to HIV/AIDS in Angola

Mid-term Review of Inter-Sectoral response to HIV/AIDS in Angola /no/resultater/publikasjoner/publikasjon?key=117519 78 The Project Sweden and Norway entered into an agreement of nearly USD ... has made a significant contribution to fighting HIV/AIDS in Angola. It successfully matches the country's needs as presented in the government's Strategic Plan (2007-2010) with UNICEF's mandate, in particular


Hambantota Integrated Rural Development Programme

Hambantota Integrated Rural Development Programme /no/resultater/publikasjoner/publikasjon?key=166824 44 The report does not present an evaluation in the usual meaning. Rather, it is a ... Programme /no/resultater/publikasjoner/publikasjon?key=166824 44 The report does not present an evaluation in the usual meaning. Rather, it is a presentation of an approach to rural development. The cornerstones


Study of the impact of the work of Save the Children Norway in Ethiopia : building civil society

Study of the impact of the work of Save the Children Norway in Ethiopia : building civil society /no/resultater/publikasjoner/publikasjon?key=109507 68 This report is part of a series ... 68 This report is part of a series of four reports resulting from a study commissioned by the Evaluation Section of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in December 2002. The study examines how Norwegian non-governmental


Sinkat Community Development Project and Port Sudan Organizational Development Program in Red Sea State in Sudan

contributed to the overall re-establishment of subsistence activities in Sinkat constituency. The evaluation results also indicate a growing sense of self-reliance amongst farmers, pastoralists and women ... agriculture and education to reach more beneficiaries. Comments from the organisation The project evaluation report was thoroughly discussed in Sinkat. A consultant from the Palestine Red Crescent Society


Evaluering av institusjonsutvikling

Effektiv norsk modell for institusjonsutvikling Norsk støtte til institusjonsutvikling har i mange tilfeller vist seg å fungere effektivt, viser en ny evaluering. Felles ... utviklingsland. Det viser en ny evaluering som evalueringsavdelingen i Norad har bestilt. Se hele rapporten: Evaluation of Norwegian support to capacity development - Langvarig samarbeid og fleksibilitet i gjennomføringen


Lake Turkana Fisheries Development Project

ublikasjon?key=166718 104 The Governments of Kenya - Norway agreed to mount a joint mid-term evaluation of the Lake Turkana Fisheries Development Project during April - May 1985, with the object of assessing ... the projects Socio-economic impact and to make recommendations for future project activities. The evaluation mission, comprising four Kenyan specialists and four NORAD appointed consultants visited the Lake