
Ditt søk på Country evaluation briefs gav 2052 treff
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Oil for Development 2007-2008 [annual report]

make a difference, depends on a range of historical, geographical and political factors. Each country has its own particular challenges and there are no “quick fixes”. We believe that our most crucial ... sarily work elsewhere and the policies chosen in a given country will always have to be adapted to the particular challenges this country faces. OfD does not seek to export a Norwegian “model” for


Laying the Foundation for Micro Enterprise Development in South Sudan

Lietnhom, majority of whom engaged in small trade businesses. Purpose/objective The purpose of the evaluation was to identify successes, gaps, positive and negative effects of the project and provide reasoned ... Appreciative Inquiry and Participatory Learning & Action (PLA) informed by qualitative evaluation techniques were used for the evaluation. Interactive procedures were conducted at different levels i.e. the project


Improving Health for Women in the Netrakona Region in Bangladesh

financially supported by ID/DNJ/FOKUS since 2002. Purpose/objective The purpose of the midterm evaluation of the Health Project was to find out if SUS reaches its goals, performs the activities as planned ... group, delivers good quality health care and has worked with the recommendations given at the final evaluation of 2005. In addition, the evaluators looked at the organization and administration of the Health


1201009-11 Norad technical note energy sector April 2013.docx 1133939_1_....docx

appropriately in policy dialogues and in the design of interventions. The Note is related to a series of briefs[footnoteRef:1] on gender issues in the energy sector developed by Norad based on initial experiences ... in Energy Sector Cooperation and Gender Equality in Petroleum Sector Cooperation. Five Country Experience Briefs: Gender in Norway’s Energy and Petroleum Cooperation in Mozambique; Gender in Norway’s Rural


Organisational Review of Norcross

................................................................................... 21 5.2.1. Brief Background ...................................................................................... ... .................................................................. 29 9.2. PROJECT ASSESSMENT/EVALUATION ..............................................................................................


Adapting agriculture to climate change_collecting, protecting and preparing crop wild relatives_annexes.pdf

publication1 that provides strategic and methodological standards and guidelines for structuring an evaluation in a manner that is participatory and inclusive. The method takes a learning approach; which is ... Senior Scientist, Crop Trust, Bonn (manager of the CWR Project) • Nelissa Jamora, Monitoring & Evaluation Specialist, Crop Trust, Bonn • Benjamin Kilian, Genetic Resource Scientist, Crop Trust, Bonn (CWR