
Ditt søk på Country evaluation briefs gav 2052 treff
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Shady Traffic. Review of the Portefolio Supported by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Combating Trafficking in Human Beings

Shady Traffic. Review of the Portefolio Supported by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Combating Trafficking in Human Beings /no/resultater/publikasjoner/publikasjon?key=134143 69 ... and implemented by the International Organization for Migration. The other data source is recent evaluation reports from the Western Balkans as well as from the African and Asian regions. 978-82-7548-365-0


Handbook in assessment of institutional sustainability

programmes, etc.) the system level will encompass the broad political and socio-economic forces in the country involved. Relevant dimensions in both areas are the legal and political framework, norms and culture ... nature (severe conflicts or civil war, democracy, human rights, etc.) are assessed separately when a country is accepted or rejected as a candidate for development co-operation. Such context variables are therefore


Filling the gap finally addressing post-TB disabilities in Sub Saharan Africa (Malawi, Tanzania, Sudan)

The project ... and Sudan) Evaluation for LHL International (ref: / 06/22) June 2023 2 Acknowledgements We would like to acknowledge the excellent collaboration with all the in-country implementation ... for Tanzania (MKUTA), Knut Sundby, project coordinator LHLI for Sudan. At field level, the evaluation was carried out by Emmanuel Kaonga (Malawi), Lillian Mtei (Tanzania) and Muaz Hassan (Sudan).


Exporting to Scandinavia : a guide for exporters from developing countries

many linguistic, cultural and his- torical similarities, the social welfare develop- ment in each country makes it relevant to talk about a Scandinavian model of society that is unique at the international ... km2 Climate Four distinct seasons. Four distinct seasons and Four distinct seasons with large Country averages: large local variations: variations between south and north. July: average max. temp: Oslo:


Hva kan vi lære fra evalueringer av bistand i konfliktområder?

Ny evaluering: Hva kan vi lære fra evalueringer av bistand i konfliktområder? Norsk engasjement i Sahel-regionen har en lang historie. De siste månedene har Sahel-regionen vært gjennom betydelige utfordringer, og nå legges ambassaden ned innen utgangen av året. Samtidig fortsetter Norges bistand til regionen. Hva kan vi lære fra en evaluering av innsatsen siden


Erfaringer fra evalueringer av kvinne- og likestillingsrettet bistand

DFID (2006), Evaluation of DFID’s Policy and Practice in Support of Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment. Volume 1. Synthesis Report. European Commission (2003), Thematic evaluation of the integration ... Final Report. International Labour Office (2005), Thematic evaluation report: Gender issues in Technical cooperation. Norad (2005), Evaluation of the ‘Strategy for Women and Gender Equality in Development


Strengthening the Oil and Gas Sector in Iraq

(ILPI) provides analytical work, juridical briefs, and policy advice within international law, human rights, corporate social responsibility, governance, and country/conflict analysis. ILPI is established ... Key findings ____________________________________________________________________________ 4 3. Country context _________________________________________________________________________ 5 3.1. Overview


Democratic Global Civil Governance Report of the 1995 Benchmark Survey of NGOs

Democratic Global Civil ... Evaluation Report 4.96 n . by Benchmark Environmental Consulting t*miå ii tf! SI - I Democratic Civil Governance Report of the 1995 gi Benchmark Survey of NGOs § | s< Qi si ©£ ... 5 Individual demographics: first international conference 6 Organizational demographics: base country 6 Organizational demographics: accredited and unaccredited NGOs 7 Organizational demographics: