
Ditt søk på country evaluation briefs gav 2052 treff
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Guide to Completing the Application for Project and Program Funding (24.09.2015)

management (monitoring), evaluation and lessons learned: Please give a brief description and assessment of the systems the organization has for result-based monitoring and evaluation, including establishment ... data. Describe applicant’s financial management systems, including routines for field visits: A brief description of the systems for financial management at the headquarters, and, if relevant, in the


Oppfølgingsnotat. Evaluering av den norske innsatsen på Haiti etter jordskjelvet i 2010.pdf

Evaluering av den norske innsatsen på Haiti etter jordskjelvet Innledning Evalueringsrapporten Evaluation of Norway's Support to Haiti after the 2010 Earthquake (Report 8/2014) ble offentliggjort 12. januar ... 3 avt 23.02.20151301261-55 I tillegg til rapporten har evalueringsteamet også laget to policy briefs som oppsummerer noen av erfaringene innenfor to temaområder: «Norwegian flexibility vs. structure:


External review of WILPF Organisational Model and Projects in Lebanon 2001-2008

externals, focus group interviews with young women and board members, as well as document reviews. The evaluation team reports that they had difficulties with getting access to all members of IKFF and that internal ... period does not verify that activities have resulted in significant change or results. Therefore the evaluation primarily bears sign of documenting activities, rather than results. Four relatively small projects


Gender Review: Mainstreaming Gender and Aids in the Development Portfolio of the Norwegian Embassy in Zambia

Gender ... across sectors” 6 In the analysis of the situation in Zambia, the plan states that the country “is severely affected by HIV and AIDS. Unequal power relations between men and women are a driver ... • Interview with key informants (gender/AIDS) • Field visit A memo with key questions and a brief analytical model was worked out and shared among the team members before the review (Annex 5). The