
Ditt søk på country evaluation briefs gav 2052 treff
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Mid-term Review of: The Environmental Cooperation Programme between Norway and South Africa 2005-2010

staff in Pretoria and in Durban during the period 23 April – 7 May 2009. The report contains a brief introduction to the programme features and a systematic review of the most significant aspects of ... Nature) LFA - Logical Framework Approach LTMS - Long Term Mitigation Scenarios M&E - Monitoring and Evaluation MoE - Ministry of Environment (in Norway) MoU - Memorandum of Understanding MFA - Ministry


Norads årsrapport 2016

å nå flere, også internasjonalt. Avdelingen utviklet et nytt produkt i 2016, såkalte Country Evaluation Briefs (CEBs), og ferdigstilte CEB-rapporter for Afghanistan, Sør-Sudan og Mosambik. Produktets ... Evalueringsavdelingen ble det i 2016 gjennomført to studier og tre evalueringer, samt tre country evaluation briefs. I tillegg ble fem rapporter utarbeidet i samarbeid med de uavhengige evalueringskontorene


Private sector development and prospects for Norwegian trade and investment interests in Sri Lanka (phase 2 study)

the official foreign visitor statistics. Among the Nordic countries, Norway is the most visible country in terms of visitors to Sri Lanka. · Sri Lankan producers visited during this study expressed a ... perhaps in two-three years time – Norwegian frontline expertise with extensive relevant developing country sector expertise on institutional set up and how to operate within whatever regulator arrangement


Final Report 17-10-2014_Review of Norwegian Democracy Support via Political Parties.docx

(Liberal Party) 28 2.2 Joint assessment of the projects 28 2.2.1 Norwegian parties’ knowledge of the country contexts 29 2.2.2 Capability to strengthen competence within partner organizations 30 2.2.3 Capability ... 38 3.2.3 Project design 38 3.2.4 Lasting effects? 39 3.3 Experiences internationally 39 3.3.1 A brief overview of the current academic and professional debate 40 3.3.2 The Netherlands - NIMD 42 3.3.3


Norads årsrapport 2015

opptatt av kommunikasjon av evalueringene. Der det har vært relevant er det blitt utarbeidet ‘evaluation briefs’ som trekker fram sentrale funn eller temaer, i eller utover den aktuelle studien eller evalueringen ... forvaltningen. For evalueringen av norsk støtte til kvinner og likestilling, ble det laget ett ‘brief’ for hele evalueringen i tillegg til spesifikke notater for Nepal, Mosambik og Etiopia som var caseland