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Study on private sector development in Tanzania

attributed to NORAD. The study of the private sector in Tanzania is number 2 in the series of 7 country studies. Executive summary Why is Private Sector Development (PSD) needed ? Tanzania has launched ... government, which came into power in 1995, has launched a wide-ranging set of PSD-friendly reforms. The country now has a more liberal regime for the private sector than at any time since the early 1960s, and


How the Norwegian MFA and its partners see and do engagement with crisis-affected populations.pdf

1 EVALUATION DEPARTMENT REPORT 8/2015 // Engagement with Crisis-Affected Populations Work in Progress: How the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and its Partners See and Do Engagement with ... with Crisis-Affected Populations REPORT 8/2015 MAPPING STUDY EVALUATION DEPARTMENT CONTENT 1. INTRODUCTION AND CONTEXT ................................................ 6 2. METHODOLOGY ........


Macro Model for the Malawi Growth and Development Strategy

................................................ 9 3 Methodological approach of the Mid-term evaluation..................................... 11 4 Key findings...................................... ... the economies of international trading partners often cause balance of payments problems for the country and hence economic instability, and a decline in the rate of economic growth. This makes macroeconomic


Fast Track to Completion _ the Complementary Rapid Education for Primary Schools (CREPS) and the D.pdf

Evaluation of CREPS in Sierra Leone July 2005 Educare Eva Marion Johannessen 1 PREFACE .................................................................................................... ... ............................................................................. 11 3.3 THE 2003 EVALUATION OF THE CREPS .................................................................................