
Ditt søk på country evaluation briefs gav 2052 treff
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Etiopia: Styrket matsikkerhet – tøft for sivilsamfunnet

Ny landrapport om utviklingsinnsatsen i Etiopia. Norads evalueringsavdeling offentliggjør i dag en ny, evalueringsbasert syntesestudie om den internasjonale bistandsinnsatsen i Etiopia. ... utgivelsen av landbriefen om Etiopia (Country Evaluation Brief) legger evalueringsavdelingen frem en oversikt med lenker til de underliggende evalueringsrapportene. I tillegg utgis såkalte Evaluation Portraits


Creating Change in Children’s Lives – with focus on local governments: An Evaluation of Save the Children’s Child Rights Governance Programme, Nicaragua Case Study

Creating Change in Children’s Lives – with focus on local governments: An Evaluation of Save the Children’s Child Rights Governance Programme, Nicaragua Case Study /no/resultater/publikasjoner/publikasjon ... Purpose/objective (including evaluation questions) This report is one of 4 country studies focusing on Child Rights Governance (CRG) theme and informs the overall evaluation of CRG globally. The purpose


Baseline evaluation promotion of quality basic education in Hamer woreda, South Omo Zone-SNNPR

Baseline evaluation promotion of quality basic education in Hamer woreda, South Omo Zone-SNNPR /no/resultater/publikasjoner/publikasjon ... and ensuring sustainability of the project. Purpose/objective (including evaluation questions) The main objectives of this evaluation were the following. • To quantitatively and qualitatively illustrate the


The Lesotho Society of Mentally Handicapped Persons (LSMHP) Evaluation and Strategic Planning Report June 2006

Mentally Handicapped Persons (LSMHP) Evaluation and Strategic Planning Report June 2006 /no/resultater/publikasjoner/publikasjon?key=117424 Background Evaluation done by Norwegian Association of Disabled ... Disabled. An independent evaluation was commissioned for May/June 2006 to focus on LSMHP's development as an organization; the scope and impact of its advocacy work; the effectiveness of its organizational


Final Report Mid-term evaluation “Football Crosses Frontiers Project”, third period 2008-2012

Final Report Mid-term evaluation “Football Crosses Frontiers Project”, third period 2008-2012 /no/resultater/publikasjoner/publikasjon?key=387432 Methodology: - Project Documentation Review - The process ... the evaluation did not need representative statistical information, but a sample that agrees with the quality of outputs and/or components; this is to say, information requested for the evaluation was


Mid-term Evaluation “Diaconal Plan for Regional Development” (PDDR-II), Final Report

Mid-term Evaluation “Diaconal Plan for Regional Development” (PDDR-II), Final Report /no/resultater/publikasjoner/publikasjon?key=381053 Background: The “Diaconal Plan for Regional Development II” (PDDR-II) ... and magnitude of the PDDR-II, the design and execution of this plan envisage an external mid-term evaluation to identify the achieved progress, strengths and difficulties of the Plan, aimed at making the