
Ditt søk på Country evaluation briefs gav 2052 treff
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Final Evaluation Report of the Project "Support for Education in Post Conflict South-eastern Myanmar" (SEE NORAD)

Final Evaluation Report of the Project "Support for Education in Post Conflict South-eastern Myanmar" (SEE NORAD) /no/resultater/publikasjoner/publikasjon?key=413956 Background: ADRA Norway’s project ... together in an inclusive way in the scope of the ongoing education reform process.” Methodology: The evaluation was conducted with four overlapping stages: a) document review, b) data gathering, c) data analysis


Lessons from Evaluations of Women and Gender Equality in Development Cooperation.pdf

Research (NIBR) and partners to carry out an evaluation of the Strategy for Women and Gender Equality in Development Cooperation (1997-2005). The evaluation showed significant weak- nesses in the institutionalisation ... DFID (2006), Evaluation of DFID’s Policy and Practice in Support of Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment. Volume 1. Synthesis Report. European Commission (2003), Thematic evaluation of the integration


Evaluation of Norway's support to women's rights and gender equality in development cooperation: Annexes

1 Evaluation dEpartmEnt report 2/2015 // Annexes 1 to 10 of the evaluation report evaluation of Norway’s support to women’s rights and gender equality in development cooperation Annexes 1 to ... to 10 of the evaluation report RepoRt 2 /2015 ContEnt annEx 1 – tErms of rEfErEnCE .................................. 3 annEx 2 – list of doCumEnts .................................... 10 annEx