
Ditt søk på Country evaluation briefs gav 2052 treff
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Policy Brief - Evaluation of Norways support to womens rights and gender equality in development cooperation

Evaluation DEpartmEnt Evaluation BriEf // rEport 2 /2015 A mixed bag: Norway’s support for women and girls’ rights and gender equality in international development overview Norwegian Development ... empowerment, boldly going where other donors might fear to tread. 1 This brief was written by Nicola Jones, team leader for the evaluation. N.jones@odi.org.uk But compared with its peers, Norway appears to


Palestine DCA/NCA Joint Country Programme Evaluation 2016-2020

This report presents an evaluation of the performance of the Joint Country Programme (JCP), Palestine. This report presents an evaluation of the performance of the Joint Country Programme (JCP), Palestine ... Palestine. 101 Summary of the JCP evaluation 2016-2020 This report presents an evaluation of the performance of the Joint Country Programme (JCP) with a focus on the extent of its contribution to the DCA