
Ditt søk på Country evaluation briefs gav 2052 treff
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Kvalitetsvurdering av desentraliserte evalueringer

bistandsprogrammer. 90 Information about the report in English: Quality Assessment of Decentralised Evaluations in Norwegian Development Cooperation (2018–2019) Denne studien har vurdert kvaliteten på gjennomganger ... fra Evalueringsavdelingen i Norad av Ternström AB. 978-82-8369-046-0 Ternstrom Consulting AB Evaluation Department in Norad Norad 6/20 <ul><li><a href="/link/555748ae2e8e4973bb0b1f31e279ece3.aspx">Offentlig


Report of CARE and Save the Children DIPECHO Program in Nepal under the 6th Action Plan for South Asia

and one district (Siraha) in the East Nepal. Purpose/objective (including evaluation questions) Major objectives of the evaluation were to assess, if the project activities of CARE and Save the children ... While carrying out the field study, the evaluation team adopted the following methodologies: Review of related project documents/agreements/progress reports, country strategies website information, etc.,


Reincorporation of FARC ex-combatants in community health structures, strengthening communities for peace

ISSN: 1894-518x Published: 04.05.2023 Cover Photo: Ken Opprann INTERMEDIATE EXTERNAL EVALUATION OF THE PROJECT "Reincorporation of FARC ex-combatants in community health structures, strengthening ... Introduction 4 1. Background 4 2. Project general description 6 3. Implementation context 8 4. Evaluation methodology and limitations 12 5. Findings and recommendations 13 6. Learned lessons and good


FINAL REPORT Organisational Review of Humanity & Inclusion

........................... 8 1.2 Brief Presentation of Funding ...................................................................................... 8 1.3 Brief Overview of the Project Partners .. ... explicitly on broader aspects of the organisation and their HQ and the specific work of the Mozambique Country office. The Review focuses on organisational structure, governance, financial/administrative management


Bistand til sårbare stater krever kontinuerlig tilpasning

Denne evaluering av norsk bistand til Sør-Sudan fra febryar 2020 er den første i en serie om bistand til sårbare stater fra evalueringsavdelingen i Norad. Bistand til sårbare ... analyser av om bistand kan påvirke konfliktene, og hvordan konfliktene påvirker bistanden. Les evalueringsbrief om konfliktanalyser - Norsk bistand har et oppsett som ikke nødvendigvis er tilpasset at vi


Seminar: "Et av mysteriene innen global helse"

Norway, Dr. Abbas Bhuiya and Dr.Mushtaque Chowdbury Synopsis Bangladesh, the eighth most populous country in the world with about 153 million people, has recently been applauded as an exceptional health ... tuberculosis control in Bangladesh are part of a remarkable success story for health in the South Asian country. This is despite low spending on health care, a weak health system, and widespread poverty. But the


Making Partnership Work; Vision and Implementation of a Development Programme

sjoner/publikasjon?key=387396 Background: In its work to develop a new four year strategy, an evaluation of the implementation of the current strategy was needed. Purpose/objective: The main purpose is ... and other stakeholders in Norway, and case study material based on field visits to three program country offices (Ecuador, Ethiopia and Cambodia) and their partners. CMI was commissioned to undertake the


Tanzania : new aid modalities and donor harmonisation

Tanzania : new aid modalities and donor harmonisation /no/resultater/publikasjoner/publikasjon?key=109421 41 Harmonisation and donor co-ordination are important contributions for making development ... The achievements have so far been mixed. Since the situation and achievements differ from country to country it is important to share experience in order to avoid re-inventing the wheel and rather use