Evaluation of the Strategy for Norway’s Culture and Sports Cooperation with Countries in the South

Om publikasjonen

Utgitt:Juli 2011
Type:Evalueringsrapporter, Evalueringer
Utført av:Nordic Consulting Group
Bestilt av:Norad
Antall sider:179

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The Strategy of Norway for Culture and Sports Cooperation with Countries in the South was formulated against that background. For the period of this evaluation, 2006 to 2009, 850 million NOK were allocated to culture and sports.

It is a very diverse portfolio of projects covering activities in all cultural fields and sports. 815 projects were identified in the database. Funding went to 48 countries, and involved many channels of assistance; bilateral and multilateral organisations, through Norwegian, international and local organisations, as well as Norwegian institutions with framework agreements, and UNESCO. The Embassies handled half of the projects, MFA in Oslo handled one third of the contracts, Norad and Fredskorpset the remaining projects.

Purpose of the evaluation

The purpose of the evaluation is to provide insight into Norwegian development cooperation in culture and sports with countries in the South under the present Strategy, contribute to improving the cooperation, assess the usefulness of the Strategy as a guiding instrument and consider the possible need for its modification.

Findings and conclusions

The evaluation has examined the logical sequence of strategy implementation; that a strategy is formulated, implemented through planning and management, that leads to projects that in turn lead to results – according to the objectives in the strategy.

Starting with the Strategy itself, it was created over a long period of time and against a background of turbulence in the organisation of development cooperation. Few stakeholders outside the official administration of development cooperation were consulted; mainly the cultural institutions with a framework agreement with MFA and one sports organisation had meetings with MFA in this period. The process was not as transparent and inclusive as would have been desirable to create ownership and commitment to the Strategy.

The evaluation concludes that the Strategy has not played a major role in shaping projects in the countries visited. The evaluation also concludes that the Strategy has not contributed to the promotion in Norway of cultural manifestations of developing countries, although such activities have been financed under the Strategy.
However, all of these activities had found their form and were financed before the Strategy was formulated and hence they cannot be attributed to the Strategy. The projects in the countries visited would often have been the same even if the Strategy did not exist, and the same applies to the activities in Norway. The positive
results cannot be attributed to the Strategy.

The evaluation suggests seven overall and ten more specific recommendations for revising the Strategy.